PDCC Newsletter

Welcome to the inaugural issue of the PDCC Newsletter, our online newsletter whích will be published once every four months to support and encourage all Evangelizing Catechists (ECs) who are in the Ministry of Christian Initiation. These include all involved in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd with pre-schoolers, in the Sunday School/Catechism Classes with school students and in the RCIA sessions with adults.

The main objectives of this Newsletter are: 
1. To address questions, share experiences and ideas concerning the planting and nurturing of
the seed of faith. 
2. To communicate essential information concerning catechesis in the diocese and around
the world. 
3.To create awareness of the challenges faced by the different parishes where evangelizing
through Catechesis is concerned. 
4.To be a bridge between the diocese and the evangelizing catechists at the grassroots.

Issue 1

1st May 2024

Issue 2

1st September 2024

Issue 3

1st January 2025

PDCC is the official body that oversee the development of Catechesis in the Diocese of Penang, Malaysia.

Contacts :

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